“Asia Pacific Regional Forum”, Speaker
October 17th, 2017 – Shanghai, PRC
At this conference, John Wilson was a member of a panel of speakers which discussed the following 5 specific questions. Mr. Wilson dealt with the issues from th...“Trade Relationships and Human Rights”, Panelist
October 10th, 2017 - Sydney, Australia
John Wilson joined a panel of experts in international employment law and international trade law for a roundtable discussion at the IBA Annual Co...“Foreign Direct Investment in the Asia: A LAWASIA Perspective”, Speaker
October 9th, 2017 – Sydney, Australia
This event which was organised by the Law Society of New South Wales and Law Asia featured speakers from Hong Kong, Sri ...The Foreign Exchange Act no. 12 of 2017 which abolishes the Exchange Control Act was brought into operation with effect from the 20th of November 2017. Regulations implementing the provisions of the Act have also been gazetted. The new Act liberalizes foreign exchange control to so...